Mix It Up Monday: True North + Weekender

Hello and welcome to the Twenty-Fifth edition of our fun series: Mix It Up Monday! That’s 25 times now we’ve shown you how easy it is to mix and match collections to create something new and wonderful! Today we’re working with the True North and Weekender collections to double up on your travel vibes! These color palettes may not be exact, but the navy and blue really brings it together into something magical!

Check out the team’s examples below and I can’t wait to see you mix these two collections up too!


I loved being able to mix True North and Weekender for my page to document this years girls trip. There were so many colors in the photos and I wanted to use them all of course. The fun title really sets the tone for the trip. Both collections have a great mix of colors and I loved being able to use the patterned paper and digital mixed media from both together.


I had a lot of fun mixing up the new True North collection with the Weekender collection. There are so many gems in both and they were great to use for documenting my son’s very first time in a pool! I started my layout just throwing Ellie’s from each collection together, but found I really liked how the more kraft paper and vintage-y elements looks together the most, so that was the primary route I used for my embellishments. My papers were from True North and I used the Weekender Alpha for my title!


I chose one of the patterned papers from the Weekender kit and used a solid paper from True North as an overlay. I chose a few elements from the Weekend kit and mixed and matched them with True North elements. From there, I picked papers that complemented my photos. I used a scallop template to add some cuteness around the edges. I also scattered some yellows around the layout to achieve the summer vibe I am trying for.


One of my favorite Ellies that Traci makes is her paint splashes and “messy bits” that usually have a transparent quality.  I knew that Weekender had some of my FAVORITE painty bits — and a lot of of them!!— and I was thrilled to see that True North had a ton as well — and they coordinated!  I challenged myself to ONLY use mixed media type bits on this fun vacation themed painty page— and it was so much fun— and Love love how it turned out!

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