Focus On: Anywhere But Here

It’s Oldies But Goodies time again and for the next 48 hours, you can save 50% on the Anywhere But Here collection!

Designed last year when we were ALL tired of being housebound, Anywhere But Here is a fun travel-themed collection that captures the joy of seeing the world, whether you’re off to the mountains, the tropics, or just taking a road trip to your favorite camping destination!


Eve’s layout makes me want to get in an airplane and go Anywhere But Here! I love all the little bits and pieces layered together on this page!


The circles + stenciling on this page from Chantal is SO good! I love how she wrapped her title around the photo too!


Airport photos are classic and Jenn used the Anywhere But Here collection for a set of hers! The layering here is so good!


Erika did not one, but two darling 6x8 pages with Anywhere But Here and I love how different the subjects are! That car seat photo is so cute!